7-month-old, baby Ahmad from Srinagar locality, son of a poor labourer had no resources to get him safely operated. The baby suffered from a large Ventricular Septal Defect, with high blood flow into the lungs, couldn’t feed properly and didn’t gain weight. He travelled along with baby Arooj by the foundation arranged private transport to Satya Sai Sanjeevani Palwal. On admission Ahmad was also found positive for COVID. The admission was delayed by another 10 days, during which time, he got infected because of an injection abscess, which had to be drained in another children hospital in Palwal, the cost of whole of that treatment was borne by the health foundation. Our ground staff was regularly in touch with these families and were tracking the daily progress of the kids. Once injection abscess and covid infection subsided, he was also operated uneventfully and then discharged after 5 days of the operation. Ahmad was discharged, came home and in the 3rd month after the surgery developed leaking of the aortic valve, for which his treating paediatric cardiologist is managing him with medications and is doing fine. we are tracking him regularly, and he may need another major cardiac surgical procedure in coming few years at a higher center.

Baby Ahmad

Baby Pueesh
A volunteer from Jammu Province sent us documents of Baby Pueesh, an underprivileged child, who was 20 months plus at that time, suffering from