One of the key indicators of health in a society is its *infant mortality rate (IMR)*, to which congenital heart disease (CHD) contributes most now, as infections and malnutrition, that contributed maximally before are being tackled now effectively.
Therefore, this Kids Heart Surgery Program was started for the underprivileged children of Jammu and Kashmir as there aren’t any high standard medical facilities available for their cardiac care. 90% of these cases belong to the underprivileged of the society in general, therefore it becomes imperative to find solutions to empower this segment of the society to get the cardiac treatment done for their children, which directly impacts overall health of the society. Under this program subspecialty cardiology and cardiac surgical treatment is provided with a holistic approach for all underprivileged people of our society Both surgical treatment as well as travel and food are covered by the foundation and then these kids are followed up by our Rehabilitation Team that tracks them after discharge, for one full year for any health issues and routine Cardio Consults.

Most of the kids are sent outside J&K in some of the best hospitals in India while as most of the grown-up kids are mainly done in J& K only. We have got wonderful results by selecting best hospitals for our children and by following a very strict and organized process on ground. Over the last year, JK Hope and Health Foundation has helped over 130 children, mostly toddlers and infants, and belonging to economically weaker sections of the society, receive treatment / corrective surgery for severe congenital heart defects – without which these children might not survive for long. We arrange funding for the treatment of these children through different channels like our pool of donors, online platforms like Ketto India, Amrita Charity India, children’s foundations like Love Without Boundaries, LWB (US) and other institutions like Rotary Club Mumbai, Kochi Rotary Club etc, not to mention the subsidised cost offered by hospitals like Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Kochi, Kerala ,Sri Satya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital Palwal, Haryana, Wadia Hospital Mumbai, Khyber Medical Institute , SRCC Hospital Mumbai and Gangaram Hospital Delhi etc.

JKHHF arranges the preoperative preparation and stabilization , transport, boarding lodging as well as consultation / surgical treatment in our partner hospitals. Although every child’s cardiac surgical journey is a story in itself but we have selected a small subset of them who we, were fortunate enough to serve. The faces and other identifying details of the kids are blurred and full names are not mentioned as per their aspirations, and also to respect their privacy.

Baby Ayesha
Baby Ayesha’s story is a very interesting and challenging one. She was 8 months old then, when diagnosed with a

Baby Arooj
In May 2021, we started Kids Heart Surgery Referral Program for the underprivileged children of Jammu and Kashmir. It all

Baby Ahmad
7-month-old, baby Ahmad from Srinagar locality, son of a poor labourer had no resources to get him safely operated.

Baby Pueesh
A volunteer from Jammu Province sent us documents of Baby Pueesh, an underprivileged child, who was 20 months plus

Baby Eesha
Baby Eesha (name changed) , 2 months old infant was admitted with Heart Failure and Failure to thrive. Her weight

Baby Soliha
4 year old baby girl Soliha (name changed), was suffering from a ventricular septal defect with indirect gerbode. The family

Baby Akeela
Baby Akeela (name changed), 7 year old girl with large ASD and Myxomatous Mitral Valve with severe Mitral Regurgitation (severe