Baby Ayesha’s story is a very interesting and challenging one. She was 8 months old then, when diagnosed with a life-threatening heart disease called as AV Canal Defect, with severe Pulmonary Hypertension, wasn’t growing well. The family lives in a far-flung place of Anantanag towards jungles, parents very poor and completely uneducated, who hadn’t even visited a city like Srinagar before. As the time for surgical intervention was running out, we managed a place in AIIMS Delhi for them. We arranged air tickets for the family, and they flew to Delhi where we already had arranged accommodation for them near AIIMS. Next day, we found they are not able to manage themselves despite having available money with them, all due to lack of exposure. We flew a volunteer from Srinagar to stay with them and take care of them for two ensuing weeks. Unfortunately, the care process at AIIMS was so slow that in two weeks’ time, only a baseline echo could be managed. Gauging the situation, we decided to send her to Amrita Hospital Kochi for quick redressal of her cardiac problem subject to the approval of the hospital. Amrita approved and we flew them to Kochi, where she was successfully operated within few days of her admission but took long time in ICU as she took time to recover. She was successfully discharged home but needed some vital medications to relieve pressure in her lungs that we managed for them. She ran out of her those vital meds during winter with full on snow and posed immediate danger to her life. We had to arrange a rescue team from the town of Anantnag that included a physician too, to deliver her three-month supply of that vital medicine in that village in the jungles. After some time, she developed pneumonia, for which she was admitted two times in District Hospital Anantanag, where she needed oxygen but recovered. She is now growing well, and doing ,fine, off medications , living happily with her parents. |

Baby Ayesha

Baby Pueesh
A volunteer from Jammu Province sent us documents of Baby Pueesh, an underprivileged child, who was 20 months plus at that time, suffering from