
Kashmir's Children
Are Precious

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Kashmir's Children
Are Precious

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7 out of 10 children with heart diseases in Kashmir die either because lack of access to appropriate healthcare facilities or under-privileged to pay for such acostly and complex surgeries.

JKHHF is working actively to offer hope and healing to these kids by sending them to best tertiary care facilities outside Kashmir.

And Now
Building A Hospital
To Treat Them Back Home

Be part of this mission

Health care
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kids treated for serious heart ailments


Hospitals lorem epsum 

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Volunteer doctors & other members

Health care
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kids treated for serious heart ailments


Hospitals lorem epsum 

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Volunteer doctors & other members

Our groundwork continue to benefit our kids on daily basis through "Kids Heart Surgery Program" saving lives of our future generation.

In last few months, hundreds of Kashmiri kids with heart diseases have been saved by getting their successful heart surgeries done outside Kashmir with wonderful results and almost zero mortality rate.

The construction of hospital building is in full swing and laying of the truss work is in progress, related cardiac teams are ready to join and start working as soon as the setup is ready, collaboration with high end tertiary hospital outside JK is complete to train our staff before cardiac services are commissioned.

Every contribution at the right time will be enough to make a difference between life and death.

Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or set up a monthly gift, you can change a life of these kids, families, and community forever today.

Your donation will be immediately put to use

JKHHF relies entirely on voluntary contributions, so every donation counts.

Together we can save our children, a family and a community at large