Baby Iram masked

Baby Iram

We received a distress call from a hospital about a new-born underprivileged baby who was preterm and just 2200 GM of weight, suffering from heart disease that included a large VSD and ASD, with severe PAH in heart failure on oxygen, barely maintaining her oxygen saturation and having a very high heart rate above 170/min.

Our medical board suggested to stabilize her, gain a bit of a more weight at least to 2.5 kg and then try to get her surgery planned.

We tried with few places outside J&K but no cardiac team was ready to accept her and everyone advised for more stabilization and some weight gain.

We stayed in touch with the parents who showed immense commitment and interest and would go to any extent to get baby Iram treated.


Once she became about 4 months and gained weight to 2.5kgs, we submitted her file for sponsorship through LWB, at Amrita. LWB sponsored her surgical treatment and we arranged for the travel and all the logistic support including food.



Baby Iram after the treatment


By now, she was off oxygen.

We shifted her to Amrita Kochi, where she was successfully operated showing immediate improvement and was discharged in 10 days’ time.

She’s happily living with her parents and growing well.

Commitment and perseverance of both parents as well the health foundation paid off with a grand success in the form of well cured beautiful baby Iram.

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